New Singing Circle at Glebe House

GH photos for website

We are starting a Singing Circle on Wednesday 29th November 2pm-4pm at Glebe House and every Wednesday thereafter.

Everyone is welcome. There are no requirements as regards skills or experience. Bring your ideas, requests, memories stories and dreams.

Any and every style of song (within reason). Led and accompanied by Seamus Camplisson.

This will be a circle, not a choir. No public performance is planned. lf in due course some would like to sing for an audience we can organise that, but for now we will be singing together for our own pleasure.

Glebe House would welcome a donation of £5 per person per session to cover heating, other costs, tea, coffee and biscuits.

To book, please click here to use our registration form. If you have any questions, call or message Seamus on 07729 804143 or email

There’s plenty of room, so if you decide on the spur of the moment you’ll be welcome – just turn up.