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Glebe House Children & Youth Programme

Glebe House Children & Youth Programme

Since 1975 we have provided cross-community summer holidays for children, with follow-up residential weekends. Since the late 1970s we have also provided programmes for disadvantaged teenagers, encouraging leadership, volunteering and active citizenship.

We work with community groups across the south east of Northern Ireland and with social services who refer children to us.

While Harmony Community Trust’s aims are framed in societal terms, at Glebe House we see directly the positive impacts at individual level.

The feedback from participants (below) in all our programmes and from parents and guardians consistently highlights the positive difference that Glebe House makes to them or their children in terms of well-being, belonging, friendships and joy.

This programme is currently not available due to lack of funding.

gh young people 3

Feedback from programme users

“We are so isolated since we moved and I know the kids miss being able to just go out and play with friends so it’s great knowing that they will at least have here to come to and just enjoy being children again.”
“Glebe House has been such a benefit to the kids, especially after the lockdowns, they missed out on so much social interaction and it was really difficult for them to step back into socialising again, they have really got so much out of the programmes.”